#19 |
#20 |
Anna Geary (approx age 27) from: Luke Geary's Family ca.1900, before the reunion photo above |
Anna [Geary] Drinkwater (approximate age 22) from:
Oliver Elza Drinkwater & Family ca.1895
I think #19 resembles this image of Anna on the left (which is why I had switched the names on the large image above).
The image on the right of a much younger Anna can (thankfully) be matched to the one on the left, but I don't see matching it to either #19 or #20 in the reunion photo.
Anna, in 1905/6 would have been about 33 years old.
I suppose it's possible that neither of these women is Anna or Mayme....
Does anyone have other images of Anna or Mayme to help sort this out?
here is a shot of Mayme from a group photo in 1943 (aged ~50) |
Labeled individuals in the Missouri reunion photo:
1. Monema Bales Drinkwater
(Oliver’s mother)
2. James Robert (Jim Bob) Drinkwater
(Oliver’s ½1/2 brother , born 1850)
3. Sarah Sarina Drinkwater Harter
(Oliver’s sister, born 1855)
4. Edward Harvey Brown Drinkwater
(Oliver’s brother, born 1857)
5. Margaret Palestine Drinkwater
Applegate Butler
(Oliver’s sister, born 1860)
6. William (Bill) Henry Drinkwater
(Oliver’s brother, born 1863)
7. Oliver Elza Drinkwater (born 1866)
8. Frances (Fannie) Susan Drinkwater
(Oliver’s sister, born 1869)
9. Rosa Lee Drinkwater Blevins
(Oliver’s sister, born 1897)
10. Ada Lawrence Applegate Butler
(dau of Margaret P.)
11. William Scott Butler
(husband of Ada Lawrence)
12. Marguerite Butler
(dau of Ada Lawrence, born ~1905)
13. Leonard Drinkwater
(son of William Henry)
14. Leo Drinkwater
(son of William H.)
15. Harry Jennings Drinkwater
(son of William H.)
16. Luke Geary
(Oliver’s father-in-law, born 1848)
17. Mary Jane Bales Geary
(Oliver’s mother-in-law, born 1854)
18. Harvey Geary
(Oliver’s brother-in-law, born 1879)
19. Anna Elizabeth Geary ???
(Oliver’s Wife, born 1873)
20. Mayme Drinkwater Guwin ???
(dau of Oliver, born 1893)
21. Eva Valentine Drinkwater
(dau of Oliver, born 1899)
22. Jack Drinkwater
(son of Oliver, born 1901)
23. Fannie Lee Drinkwater
(dau of Oliver, born 1903)
24. Marian Blevins
(dau of Rosa Lee)
25. Luther Skidmore
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